Our Cassava Products

High-Quality Food-Grade Starch

Our high-quality food-grade cassava starch is used as a raw material in food and beverages, drinks, and confectioneries; owing to its remarkable characteristics. Food and beverage companies utilize our cassava starch as a stabilizer and thickener in seasonings, puddings, food, and beverages. It has many applications in confectionery products, such as gelling, thickening, stabilizing, bonding, enhancing formation, etc.

High-level Purity

High Paste Viscosity

High Paste Clarity

Excellent Thickening

Natural Blend Taste

High-freeze Thaw Stability

High-Quality Cassava Flour

We produce our HQCF with conscious adherence to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) to obtain the desired quality of Cassava Flour needed by the food and beverage industries. Psaltry HQCF has a wide range of use in the food industry as a vital ingredient in all sorts of baked foods, tortillas, pancakes, and gluten-free pasta and pizza. Food manufacturers also use it as a thickener for ice cream and sauces Our gluten-free high-quality cassava flour is a cost-effective alternative to wheat to make bread. Moreover, studies have revealed that 10 to 20% of high-quality cassava flour to replace wheat flour will not alter the taste and quality of the baked food



allergy free

healthy alternative to wheat flour

Laundry Starch

Psaltry laundry starch will restore life to your pieces of clothing. It makes the difference in the office, corporate meetings, weddings, owambe parties, and other social gatherings. It is ideal for use as an adhesive. It is more effective than conventional gum. Psaltry laundry starch is made from high-quality technical-grade cassava starch

Garri (Cassava Flakes)

Garri (cassava Flakes) is mostly consumed along with added sugar, milk, groundnut and cold water. Garri (Cassava Flakes) is suitable for swallow food by adding hot water. If you are trying to lose some weight, go for garri. Although garri is a starchy food, it is low in calories and with high fibre contents that will help you stay full for a longer period. Hence, reducing the urge to always eat in large quantities. Garri helps to absorb toxins that go into your intestines. This, in turn, can help improve your digestive health. You can soak garri in water with milk to have a combined effect. That is, the vitamins from milk mixed with that in garri, makes for a great combination. Garri works for diarrhea too. So if you are having a meal-gone-wrong situation, mix it with water and drink twice a day and expect a perfect result.

Weight loss

Eases digestion

Diarrhea Cure


Psaltry cassava-based sorbitol is a sweetener created by hydrogenation, refining, and concentrating pure glucose. Our sorbitol is colourless and odourless. It is optimal for moisture retention (humectant), adding sweetness, providing texture to many food products, and potentially supporting the digestive system. It can help reduce calories from the sugar in baked foods, snack bars, sugar-free gums, chocolates, etc It supports oral health, which makes it a vital raw material in toothpaste and mouthwash It is used as a thickener and humectant in cosmetics. Our sorbitol also has a wide range of applications in pharmaceuticals